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Federal Legislation Passed to Support Airports’ Transition to PFAS-Free Firefighting Foams

On May 16, 2024, President Biden signed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 (the “Act”), which includes two provisions supporting airports’ transition to PFAS-free firefighting foams. Section 762 of the Act, also known as the Save Our Airports Reporting (SOAR) Act, requires EPA and the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress every six months on the development and implementation of a national plan to transition to fluorine-free firefighting foam. Section 767 of the Act, also known as the Pollution-Free Aviation Sites (PFAS) Act, establishes a $350 million grant program to support this transition.

Representative Salud Carbajal’s press release can be found here, and the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 can be found here.

Rep. Carbajal’s ‘Clean Airport Agenda’ is part of the bicameral aviation policy legislation under sections 762 and 767.


environmental law, pfas