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CalRecycle Issues RFP for SB 54 Disposal Facility-Based Material Characterization Study

On May 31, CalRecycle posted a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Disposal Facility-Based Material Characterization Study pursuant to SB 54.  SB 54 was signed into law by Governor Newsom in June 2022. Among other things, SB 54 requires that covered material (i.e., single-use packaging and plastic single-use food service ware) in California be recyclable or eligible to be labeled “compostable” by January 1, 2032; and, to further this mandate, that CalRecycle complete a material characterization study of covered material disposed of in California landfills. 

CalRecycle held a Proposer’s Conference on June 10 to address questions, and proposals are due by July 19 at 2pm Pacific Time. The RFP is available here, and more information on SB 54 can be found here.

“SB 54 Material Characterization Study (DRR24008)."


environmental law, sb 54