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The First U.S. EPR Law Specific to Textiles Signed into Law in California

On September 28, Governor Gavin Newsom signed California SB 707 (the Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024), which is the first extended producer responsibility (EPR) law in the U.S. that is specific to textiles.  

Among other things, SB 707 requires CalRecycle to approve a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) by March 1, 2026, and adopt regulations implementing the law that will have an effective date of no earlier than July 1, 2028. 

Producers of covered products are required to join the approved PRO by July 1, 2026.  Unless it is participating in a PRO that accounts for all of its covered products, a producer will be subject to administrative civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day ($50,000 per day if intentional or knowing) upon the approval of a PRO plan by CalRecycle and by no later than July 1, 2030.

More information on SB 707 can be found here.


environmental law, extended producer responsibility, responsible textile recovery act, sb 707