9/9/2024 7:38:23 PM EPA Publishes Direct Final Rule Delaying TSCA Section 8(a)(7) PFAS Reporting by Eight Months By Sarah Bell Chris Rendall-Jackson Don Sobelman On September 5, 2024, EPA published a direct final rule delaying by eight months the one-time reporting required under TSCA section...
6/24/2024 5:57:34 PM Fourth Circuit Affirms that Federal Courts Lack Jurisdiction to Review EPA Grant of Petition Under TSCA to Test Fifty-Four PFAS By Sarah Bell Chris Rendall-Jackson Don Sobelman On June 10, 2024, in Center for Environmental Health v. Regan (No. 23-1476), the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals held that federal courts...
5/29/2024 6:03:58 PM Notice of Intent to Sue EPA Under TSCA Given Regarding PFOA in Fluorinated Plastic Containers By Sarah Bell Chris Rendall-Jackson Don Sobelman On May 17, 2024, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and Center for Environmental Health (CEH) gave notice of intent...