2/3/2025 7:13:24 PM Is Fair Use Threatening to Swallow Computer Copyright Protection? By Eugene Mar This case tested the contours of the landmark Google v. Oracle computer software code fair use decision. Astronics, a military aerospace...
9/27/2024 11:31:30 PM Non-Competes Still Vary by States By Eugene Mar This case serves as a good reminder that non-competes are not dead in the U.S. Despite the publicity around the FTC's ban on non-competes...
9/10/2024 1:13:32 AM Internet Archive's Book Lending May Be Coming to an End By Eugene Mar In a closely watched case, the Second Circuit upheld a decision that Internet Archive's book lending practices violated the authors'...
8/22/2024 10:48:58 PM FTC Ban on Non-Competes On Hold By Eugene Mar Three lawsuits have challenged the FTC's authority to implement a nationwide ban on non-competes. Two of those lawsuits have succeeded...
8/21/2024 6:15:30 PM $2B Trade Secret Verdict Overturned on Causation By Eugene Mar This case in Virginia caught a lot of attention because Appian won a $2 billion verdict last year. The appeals court overturned the...
8/14/2024 9:25:08 PM Invention is "on sale" even if it's a secret? By Eugene Mar In a case involving the secret formula used to make the sweetener for Coke Zero, the manufacturer of the sweetener sought to patent the...
7/18/2024 12:51:30 AM One Judge’s Mission To Unearth Who Is Behind These Patent Trolls By Eugene Mar Judge Colm Connolly in the District of Delaware has been pressing many of the patent trolls (LLCs that only own 1 asset - the asserted...
7/3/2024 5:51:34 PM Does using patents as loan collateral still create standing issues? By Eugene Mar Traditionally, the Federal Circuit had been very strict that a plaintiff must own all the rights to a patent to have standing to bring a...